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Business Setup Consulting And Management


Here's a general Overview of the steps and Key points to Consider when setting Up a business in the UAE

Establishing a business requires more than just vision; it demands strategic planning, legal acumen, and operational efficiency. Alnaya offers comprehensive Business Setup Consulting and Management services, guiding you through every step of the journey. Here's why partnering with Alnaya is your key to a seamless and successful business setup

Contact Us

Whether you have questions about our services, need assistance with the business setup process, or want to discuss your specific requirements, our team is here to help.

Why Choose Us

Decide on the Types of Business

Free Zone Entity

100% foreign ownership allowed. Exemption from certain taxes and duties. Limited to operating within the free zone.


Separate legal entity from owners. Limited liability for shareholders. Easier access to capital through the sale of shares.

Professional License

Ideal for individuals providing professional services. Restricted to specific professional activities. Requires approval from relevant regulatory authorities.

"Unlock Success in Dubai: Register Your Company with Confidence."


Dubai's strategic location between Europe, Asia, and Africa positions it as a central business gateway. Registering your company here provides unparalleled access to a vast market and facilitates global trade and connectivity.

Dubai is renowned for its business-friendly policies, tax incentives, and regulatory frameworks that attract international investors. Alnaya ensures that your company registration aligns with these advantages, setting the stage for a favorable business environment.

Dubai's tax-free policies are a significant draw for businesses. Alnaya navigates the intricacies of tax regulations, ensuring that your company benefits from the tax advantages and incentives offered in the emirate.

Welcome to Alnaya - Your Gateway to Successful Business Setup in Dubai!

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At Alnaya, we specialize in providing end-to-end solutions for business setup in Dubai, offering tailored services to meet the unique needs of entrepreneurs, startups, and established businesses.

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